Women Like Us
26/11/2016In demand on the comedy circuit and adored for their ability to find the humour in everyday experiences, Mandy Nolan and Ellen Briggs believe it’s their every day lives that gives them a unique onstage strength with audiences around the country. With seven children between them, two husbands and two ex husbands, their reoccurring instances of what they call ‘failure to parent’ are the focus of some of their material, but then so is the beauty industry, getting older, getting fatter, strange surgeries, weird TV shows, obsessions, frustrations, digital media and at the end of the day, who unpacks the flipping dishwasher. With 30 plus years of stand up experience between them, able to captivate audiences from 200 to 2000 these funny mums have been selling out houses everywhere they go. (And cleaning them up afterwards.)