Northbridge Piazza’s free outdoor movie and event season
01/10/2015 - 31/05/2016This season, Northbridge Piazza presents everything from kids’ activity days and fitness classes, through to foreign language cinema, recent releases, and rare screenings of old school classics. Every Wednesday is Date Night, inviting you to bring your significant other or bestie and a picnic for two, to enjoy a romantic feature film under the stars. From 28 October, Carnival Macabre will bring four days of spooky films and family fun to coincide with Halloween and Day of the Dead weekend. Events will include Mexican cultural activities, performances, food and films, as well as late night screenings of horror classics and all-ages dress-up events including the City’s themed monthly family activity day, Piazzarama. Every Saturday, all season, brings 5:30pm Free Flicks for Kids screenings, showing live action and animated family favourites; and December will bring a dedicated program of holiday season favourites under the banner Festive Flicks as part of the Perth City Festival of Christmas.