Indigenous Australians at war from the Boer War to the Present
05/12/2015 - 07/02/2016Indigenous Australians at war from the Boer War to the present covers indigenous people’s wartime contributions in the Boer War (1899-1902), First World War (1914-18), Second World War (1939-45), Korean War (1950-53), Vietnam War (1963-75), and in subsequent conflicts and peacekeeping. The opportunity to serve in Australia’s armed forces gave many people the experience of liberation from racial stereotypes for the first time. Oral histories reveal that while racism might have emerged behind the lines, when serving at the front line, all were alike in their concerns to survive and consider one another. Indigenous Australians at war from the Boer War to the present is on display at the WA Museum – Perth until 7 February 2016. The exhibition will then go on display at the WA Museum’s Albany and Kalgoorlie-Boulder sites.