20/04/2017 - 24/04/2017On ANZAC Day each year they honour and remember those who sacrificed so much so that Australia could be what it is today.
At the State War Memorial, Kings Park and Botanic Garden, each evening from 20 April to 24 April at 5pm to 5.30pm there will be Sunset Services conducted around the Flame of Remembrance.
The Services will be held over five evenings and will focus on a different theme each evening with the program including a wreath laying ceremony.
April 20: 75th Anniversary – Bomber Command Operations.
April 21: 75th Anniversary – Battles of El Alamein and Kokoda.
April 22: 75th Anniversary – HMAS Perth and USS Houston Sinking.
April 23: 75th Anniversary – Massacre of Vyner Brooke.
April 24: 100th Anniversary – Battles of Bullecourt and Passchendale.