David Gray
14/04/2019After scaling enormous heights with album sales over 12 million (including the highest selling album ever to-date in Ireland with ‘White Ladder’), BAFTA, Brit and Grammy nominations, a Q Award, two Ivor Novellos and much more, David Gray returns revitalised with a new perspective, energy and new sound to take to his adoring Australian fanbase. The English singer-songwriter’s breakthrough album ‘White Ladder’ first introduced him to Australian audiences in 1998 and was a showcase for his tempered roar of a voice, as it is for his finely-honed powers of social observation. His wit’s-end ballad “This Year’s Love’’ proved that it is often the simplest emotions that hit the hardest. In 2005 Gray’s seventh album ‘Life in Slow Motion’ debuted at No.8 in the Charts in Australia and was followed by ‘Draw The Line’, ‘Foundling’ and ‘Mutineers’ all hitting the charts in Australia. David’s eleventh studio album ‘Gold In A Brass Age’, will be released in early 2019 and will be performed live in Perth, Sydney and Melbourne next April along with his back-catalogue of career-defining songs. With a loyal Australian fanbase and a plethora of albums to enjoy, there’s no doubt tickets to see David Gray live in Australia this April will be in high demand.