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Your Free Perth Visitor Information Guide

Whale Watch Western Australia

Whale Watch Western Australia operates one of the longest whale watching seasons in the world and is the only company in Australia offering whale watching experiences all year. Learn the language of the whales with Whale Watch Western Australia’s fully guided live expert commentary as the whales communicate with each other both visually and by sound. The five star experience and luxury vessel will encounter the visiting whales in the pristine waters off the coast of Perth.

During January to March the Bremer Bay Orca Experience departs daily as you witness the largest congregation of Orca in the Southern Hemisphere gathering to feed. This is the only location in Australia to see Orca in the wild as they gather to hunt in the waters located only 25 nautical miles off the coastline. Sperm Whales, Pilot Whales, Beaked Whales, Sunfish, pelagic shark species along with thousands of seabirds join the congregation during the peak of the summer feeding season.

March to May is a special time as you can join them on their Perth Canyon Blue Whale Experience; a day cruise where you head out to a little known pristine environment larger than the Grand Canyon to spend time with the Blue Whales who come to feed on the krill. First class service and your comfort is top priority and they will ensure your experience is a generational talking point and memory!

Late May to August sights the northern Humpback migration from Augusta as over 45,000 Humpback Whales make their way north to the nursery grounds. Western Australia is home to the largest Humpback migration on the planet as we witness the intensity of the northern migration as males compete for access to females. July to August also sights the Southern Right Whale season as the pregnant females arrive along the shorelines to give birth and nurture the next generation. This still endangered species were pushed to the brink of extinction and are now beginning a slow recovery back to sustainable numbers.

September to December is the southern Humpback Whale migration as the long roundtrip journey of 13,000km comes to an end. Departing daily from Fremantle we witness the curious sub adults who spend their time relaxing in the pristine waters as protective mothers and calves journey peacefully through the resting grounds on the calves very first southern migration back towards Antarctica.

Get 10% off any Whale Watch Western Australia whale watching experience during the all year whale watching season using the code: HELLOPERTH when booking online. See the Hello Perth Exclusive Discounts page for more details on this discount.


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