Your Free Perth Visitor Information Guide

Your Free Perth Visitor Information Guide



30/07/2017 - 06/08/2017

Four Perth artists create a stunning visual experience, with no restrictions and their minds on display… Featuring: Natasha Lea, Smij, Robert Jenkins & Sarah McCloskey.NOWHERESVILLE – A town filled with the enchanting souls, who grew from wandering around the middle of nowhere. Isolated from the rest of the universe, artists in all forms have grown to look within themselves for enlightenment and entertainment. Amazing talent continues to grow from these very floors and it’s city streets, forever inventing their own culture of art and music, standing alongside peers and like minded kindred spirits, all revelling in the bizarre creations that develop from our vivid imaginations. Captured in the confines of Temple Of The Muse, come experience and celebrate the artist experience… Step into the nowhere and open your eyes! Sarah McCloskey – An artist and illustrator currently based in Perth, working mostly in graphite ank ink, to create engaging, unique pieces that blur the lines between the real and the imagined. Robert Jenkins – A self taught artist and illustrator from the Black Mountains in Wales and now based in Perth, working mostly in acrylic, whose striking mural work can be seen around the city Smij – The groups Mister Mysterio… Works mostly in acrylic and does not know Karate! Natasha Lea – A designer and illustrator born in Perth, working mostly in pen and ink and also self taught, who thrives on complicated line work, black colour blocking and a psychedelic colour pallette. Proudly sponsored by Neighbourhood Brew and Howling Wolves.